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Fields of expertise - Service offer

  • Qualified veterinarian and pharmacovigilance manager for animal health companies.

  • Design, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials, in cooperation with veterinary practitioners, laboratories and opinion leaders (field and laboratory studies); review of part 3 (safety) and part 4 (efficacy) studies of marketing authorisation dossiers for veterinary vaccines.

  • Study reports and scientific publications, experts' interviews.

  • Training (Officially registered in France under license number 11922089592), technical coaching and education of sales teams.

  • Lectures and scientific articles in veterinary science.

  • Medical writing and publications in the farmer's and veterinary press.

  • Periodic scientific updates.

  • Translations English/Spanish/French validated by native language proofreaders.

  • Opinion leaders management.

  • Pharmacovigilance data handling.

  • Cattle farms audits on BRD, BVD and infectious diseases control.

Acheivements examples

  • Technical launch-plan for a new cattle vaccine.

  • Design of protocol, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials and laboratory experiments in cooperation with veterinary practitioners, laboratories and opinion leaders (peer review publication).

  • Writing of scientific publications, testimonials and experts' interviews.

  • Review of part 3 (safety) and part 4 (efficacy) studies of a cattle vaccine marketing authorisation dossier before submission to authorities.

  • Design, implementation and presentation of global training programs on bovine and porcine production systems and economics.

  • Invited speaker on Pasteurellosis, BRD and BVD in public meetings gathering veterinarians, technicians, farmers and regional sanitation organization.

  • Medical writing for the farmer's and veterinary press, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies.

  • Quarterly review of international poultry vaccine scientific literature.

  • 180 published articles in La Dépêche Vétérinaire  (N°1 weekly for French veterinarians) mostly about vaccines, antibiotherapy and infectious diseases (Infectiology and vaccinology Correspondent).

  • 38 scientific veterinary publications. 

  • Technical articles about cattle vaccination in the farmer's press 

  • Qualified veterinarian for a pharmaceutical, biocides and feed company (2014-2015), then deputy qualified veterinarian for the same company since January 2025.

Contact us for further details !

Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, with academic degrees in Immunology, Health Statistics and Epidemiology, I have been passionately working for longer than 20 years to improve Animal Health, both nationally and internationally.


Throughout my experience in leading veterinary pharmaceutical companies and as private consultant, I have developed a recognized expertise on vaccines, infectious diseases, antibiotics, immunological and medicinal veterinary products and pharmacovigilance, especially in ruminants.



As a consultant, I offer animal health professionals, animal producers and associated feed-material-service companies to execute specific missions and develop tailored solutions based on a sound understanding of technical issues and on the latest scientific knowledge including relevant experts' contributions.

Contact :



52 rue Charles Lorilleux, 92800 PUTEAUX



Recommendations for my work

PEER REVIEW publication

(in cooperation with Virbac and Lublin University, Poland)


J vet Pharmacol Therap , 2018

Articles selection in "La Dépêche Vétérinaire":

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