Fields of expertise - Service offer
Qualified veterinarian and pharmacovigilance manager for animal health companies.
Design, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials, in cooperation with veterinary practitioners, laboratories and opinion leaders (field and laboratory studies); review of part 3 (safety) and part 4 (efficacy) studies of marketing authorisation dossiers for veterinary vaccines.
Study reports and scientific publications, experts' interviews.
Training (Officially registered in France under license number 11922089592), technical coaching and education of sales teams.
Lectures and scientific articles in veterinary science.
Medical writing and publications in the farmer's and veterinary press.
Periodic scientific updates.
Translations English/Spanish/French validated by native language proofreaders.
Opinion leaders management.
Pharmacovigilance data handling.
Cattle farms audits on BRD, BVD and infectious diseases control.
Acheivements examples
Technical launch-plan for a new cattle vaccine.
Design of protocol, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials and laboratory experiments in cooperation with veterinary practitioners, laboratories and opinion leaders (peer review publication).
Writing of scientific publications, testimonials and experts' interviews.
Review of part 3 (safety) and part 4 (efficacy) studies of a cattle vaccine marketing authorisation dossier before submission to authorities.
Design, implementation and presentation of global training programs on bovine and porcine production systems and economics.
Invited speaker on Pasteurellosis, BRD and BVD in public meetings gathering veterinarians, technicians, farmers and regional sanitation organization.
Medical writing for the farmer's and veterinary press, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies.
Quarterly review of international poultry vaccine scientific literature.
180 published articles in La Dépêche Vétérinaire (N°1 weekly for French veterinarians) mostly about vaccines, antibiotherapy and infectious diseases (Infectiology and vaccinology Correspondent).
Technical articles about cattle vaccination in the farmer's press
Qualified veterinarian for a pharmaceutical, biocides and feed company (2014-2015), then deputy qualified veterinarian for the same company since January 2025.
Contact us for further details !
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, with academic degrees in Immunology, Health Statistics and Epidemiology, I have been passionately working for longer than 20 years to improve Animal Health, both nationally and internationally.
Throughout my experience in leading veterinary pharmaceutical companies and as private consultant, I have developed a recognized expertise on vaccines, infectious diseases, antibiotics, immunological and medicinal veterinary products and pharmacovigilance, especially in ruminants.
As a consultant, I offer animal health professionals, animal producers and associated feed-material-service companies to execute specific missions and develop tailored solutions based on a sound understanding of technical issues and on the latest scientific knowledge including relevant experts' contributions.
Contact :
52 rue Charles Lorilleux, 92800 PUTEAUX
(in cooperation with Virbac and Lublin University, Poland)
J vet Pharmacol Therap , 2018
Articles selection in "La Dépêche Vétérinaire":
Mycoplasma bovis: difficulties in the control of infection and involvement in BRD
BVDV vaccines review and perspectives in future eradication plans
Need for harmonised efficacious measures for BVDV control in Europe
Update on BVDV diagnosis and control methods
Good respiratory health of calves for optimal productivity and life-cycle
French cattle industry and the global food challenge
Leptospirosis in veterinary medicine
ESVV congress : focus on emerging viral diseases
West Nile fever outbreak epidemiology in France
Interest of antibiotherapy guidelines in companion animals
Antibioresistance costs - focus on some livestock production systems
Update on antibioresistance and the environment
Environment and wild fauna as antibioresistance reservoirs
New resistance transfer mechanism in Pasteurellaceae isolated from BRD in cattle